At my initial impression in 1965…
I wondered how did anyone here survive.
I grew up in Holland with water around me everywhere…
And I was used to it raining often over there.
But as we visited the desert more often,
My dislike seemed to soften
Because the magic in this air,
I had not experienced anywhere.
So when we looked for a second home in 1988
We bought in the desert behind a guarded gate.
And we observed and saw
That everyone here experiences this draw.
And people gained so much,
From this magical touch
A feeling no one can explain,
But far more soothing than the Dutch rain.
A place I spend many weekends with my mate
To rest and regenerate.
And soak up at length,
This magical strength.
And even now being here alone,
I feel in a comfort zone.
People come here to retire.
And continually admire
The desert mystic and sunny weather,
That does not exist anywhere better.
As long as I feel so well
Also this home I will not sell.