

Oma is far away,
But your name I often say.

When I talk with some
About my oldest Grandson.

I am so proud that you insist
Staying on the Principals list.

And working hard in many ways
To get in all subjects straight A’s

I have seen many interested places,
And many different faces.

And they do not all live in a family unity
Where they have the best opportunity

And they do not have a change to get ahead
To earn more then their daily bread.

So when you ever have a more then difficult day
Remember the opportunities that come your way

To be what ever you desire
Or be like someone you now admire.

I wished I could join you for Easter this year
But in my mind I will celebrate with you all here.

I look forward again for you to be my guest
At a Sunday morning breakfast

When again overnight you stay
In my desert home when I am back in May

Say hello to your little brothers
And all the others