Today we did enter…
The California Science Center…
Where the Red Sea Scrolls…and the movie “Jerusalem in 3 D”
Are Impressive to see.
About road conditions and parking we did not have to think…
We traveled by Metro Link.
By viewing the Dead Sea Scrolls collection…
One can imagine to feel a connection …
With the most significant archeological find in the last century…
The oldest discovered texts of the Hebrew Bible and other Ancient History.
Jerusalem a city that is called Home by three major Religions
Jews-Christians an Muslims- with each different visions.
Reminds one…that Religious reform will go on…
Till the last person on this earth has gone.
This day created a pleasant memory…
Of an Educational Excursion…in pleasant company.
At the end of the day…When ready to eat…
We walked to Olvera Street.
And enjoyed our fill…
Of Margaritas and dinner at the El Paseo Grill