Glad again to see…
As I walk of the ship… I remember it was October 2009…
When I was here with Frans… for the last time.
But…it is… what it is…
And I have accepted this.
Thankful for feeling fit and having the strength…
To continually travel at length.
We had lunch at my favorite Moana Surfrider hotel under the
Banyan Tree…
And walked in the sand on the beach of Waikiki.
We toured the Island by trolley…
With a driver that was very jolly.
It appears as we are in an Oriental place…
Because “Caucasian” has become an outnumbered face.
But the Island has a magical draw…
And during my sixth visit I am still at awe.
Before it was time to go…
We enjoyed a local Hula Show.
And as we sailed out of Honolulu…
From the balcony… I had a spectacular “city by night” view