Pacific Princess was the only cruise ship in port…
And our visit from 8 to 4 was short.
After disembarkation in this beautiful bay..
We were greeted with a beautiful fresh flower lei.
There was no traffic rush-
As we traveled on the left in an ancient bus.
The weather is a tropical rain forest climate…
And was to hot and humid for a long visit at the outdoor market.
The elderly locals speak Samoan-
English among youth is becoming more common.
Two words we got to know…
“Tofa Soifua” for goodbye…and “Talofa” which means Hello.
We toured the plantation home of a Scottish born novelist…
Which is in the middle of a tropical forest.
Robert Louis Stevenson who wrote “Treasure Island” lived here
In an elegant late 1800 Polynesian atmosphere.
In the garden we viewed Polynesian elegance…
During a local ceremony and dance performance.
During a short historical overview…
We learned that they became independent from New Zealand in 1992.
Then it was time to say…
‘Tofa Soifua”… as we sailed out of the bay.