Our Dutch Master Conclusion


Dear Frans,

You knew it could be the last time together,
This 2009 Christmas in the soothing Desert weather.

You knew your state,
And had accepted your fate .

But the family visit…
Lifted your spirit.

Because for you at the end…
There was nothing more important than family or a friend.

We did not leave you alone.
And you died in the comfort of your own home.
Our Dutch Master Conclusion
The world would be a better place,
If more people practiced your kindness and grace.

From the day of your birth ,
You were an asset on this earth .

Your spark…
Left a lasting mark .

Your departure is distressing.
But having met you was a blessing.

And I anticipate.
Your memory will NEVER dissipate,

Because you keep sending your love …
From above.,

Were someday again we will be together…