Where has our warm weather gone?
In Long Beach today it is only 41!
We left my other residence in Palm Desert yesterday at 42
While we dressed warm to not turn blue.
At Toscana, Conner and Ryan had fun…
Till the snow melted in the sun.
The weather appears to play tricks
As my relatives in Phoenix cope with a cool 36.
But family members in Holland are feeling warm
With this weather out of the norm.
This season so far they did not need Gluhwein
As they are enjoying …for them …a warm 49.
The Florida family clan,
At 82, runs the air conditioning fan.
Is all this a warning
Of global warming?
Or is this new range
Part of the feared climate change?
But whatever they call it all over the world we must…
That after… if ever… we accomplish world peace,
We have an earth that survived the climate change “disease”
To sustain a place …
For every creature and human race.
So for all of us …there is much work to be done
In… or out…of the sun,
While we pray to whoever is our Master,
For all of us…To live happily hereafter.