Cabo San Lucas


Every time I arrive here it is a sensation…
To see the majestic “El Arco” rock formation.

I have been in Cabo San Lucas many times before…
But the country site …I never did explore.

The “German” tour guide ”Silke” was well versed.
We stopped at Villa Serena to quench our thirst.

From the second floor bar we could see…
The many beautiful developments close to the sea.
Cabo San Lucas
Golf courses, expensive homes and buildings everywhere
But many under re-construction or repair…

Due to the damage of last years hurricane… we hear
50% of businesses have not yet opened this year

I did not know…
About the town “Jose Del Cabo”.

But this town with architecture from the 18th century
Was a pleasure to see.

We strolled the historical plaza and enjoyed a local snack…
Then a glass blowing demonstration on the way back.

Today was the last excursion…
Of this 111 day world wide sight seeing immersion.

Before the ship was ready to go
From my balcony I had a last glance of “El Arco”