It is difficult to stay sober,
When daily being reminded of breast cancer in October.
I do not intend to hurt my friend,
But his e-mail reached a dead end.
I will not send it to nine people in nine minutes to get good news
Because I do not share his views.
It is a given,
The winners are the promoters of the pink ribbon.
This is a foundation
That begs for your donation.
And they keep the entire pile
To enhance their luxury lifestyle.
It is not about the patients what is the best
But about the pink ribbon promoters self interest.
the focus is on recruiting more patients for sure
Not about finding a cure.
One does not need to be schooled
To recognize the public is being fooled.
There are no statistics till day
That cancer goes away,
Or any guarantee
That after taking chemo you will be cancer free.
More and more patients are becoming very wise
And do not destroy their body by taking chemo at a high price
We do not get an honest answer
When on a death certificate it reads “died of cancer”
I pray to the Lord
That someday soon they will have to record
The true cause of death
But don’t hold your breath
Because till date
A lot of money has been made
So remind your dying honey
The treatment does not focus on life but money
I believe more people with cancer would be alive today
If from chemo they had stayed away
But this truth will remain hidden from us all
The public will remain up against the wall
Another patient with cancer is a source of income
for your medical team and then some
I will not support a cancer finding mission
My focus is on remission
By eating resting an living well
Until someone honestly can tell
That we get an honest answer
How all the money is spend that they collect for cancer
And we are able to review
Statistics that are current and true.