I now live in the zone
Of having to eat my meals alone.
It was not easy to adjust
And I felt often it was unjust
Being painfully aware
Of sitting across an empty chair.
But in 2010 I again felt blessed…
Having every week-end a guest.
My now 12 year old Grandson Ethan continues to stay overnight
And every week-end shares my early morning bite.
It am happy to have a reason and be able
To again set the table.
He always likes what I prepare…
And not finishing his plate is rare.
He clues me in…
On what he has done or where he has been.
He is interested in what I write
And always remains polite.
Even though he arrives on Friday evening late
I know for the next two days I have a breakfast table mate
It is a pleasant diversity
Which I hope will last till he enters a University.