Some seniors that cruise…
Appear to loose…
Courtesy and respect…
And it is unreasonable what they expect.
They appear happy to be wheelchair bound …
For luxury…rather than a need to get around.
A couple with each an electric scooter…
And all day using their tooter…
Store their scooter at the end of the day…
And dance the night away.
And the ones that sport a cane are always in a rush…
To get the first seat on the excursion bus.
These seniors behave a lot worse,,,
Then the ones I cared for as a nurse.
It is embarrassing to share my age with this group of users…
That behave like rude boozers.
Only talk about the best deal..
Requesting double portions ….then leaving half their meal
This period will go down in history…
Of seniors not leaving a penny for their family.
They act very selfish and as if they are owed something…
And demand to be treated as a king
They pride themselves taking early disability, pensions and retirement
And talk a lot about entitlement.
They do not age with grace…
Maybe it is difficult to face…
That no matter what they demand…
Life at some point will end
I wished they could show more courtesy…
And experience more serenity
And leave a few dollars for their family…
Before they enter into eternity