Tante Els

Aunt Els

Soon the family can ring the bells 
For the oldest member – “Tante Els”.

The only one in the family that turns 97 –
Not yet ready to enter heaven.  
Tante Els
She is my mother’s youngest sister.
And since her death missed her, 

She has been a widow for years. 
Also gone are all her peers.

She resides in a care facility
Since having decreased mobility.

She still plays card and games
While coping with aches and pains.

I have wondered …
Will she reach one hundred?

While in nursing school in Venlo…
I often slept at her home after an evening on the go.

In her comfortable domain,
I hope I can visit her again.

Aunt Els with all my praise, 
I only wish you good days. 

Wished I was not so far away
And that I could be with you on your special day.

From across the sea…
Happy Birthday from ‘Jose van Marie’.