Your parents were in heaven…
When you were born…the third… out of seven.
A member of a family of five boys and two girls
You were the one…with the very blond curls!
Responsibility you were taught young and as the oldest girl you were often told…
To help in the busy household.
Then as a teen…
You we’re also often seen…
Helping, and run errands
For your grandparents
Career choices for woman were few
But you early on new…
Your desire to teach
Was within reach.
You visited your oldest two brothers and families in California in 1967
Which you experienced as a trip to heaven…
At a party your eyes became all glary…
When you met the man…you wanted to marry!
Ton asked you to stay…
And you emigrated… soon…to the USA.
The San Gabriel Valley is were you started
And from were you have never departed.
Your three sons were born here
And I know you are happy they still live near.
You choose a new career and as
a nurse
Contributed to the family purse.
Many times alone you had to stay…
As for his job…Ton was required
often to be away.
Life became better…
When you retired together
You enjoyed and appreciated the luck
Till shortly after…tragedy struck.
But with the support of three generations family…we knew…
In time…you would pull through.
And now in your later years
Laughter again has replaced your tears.
You have accepted that the past…
Went by to fast.
And in between traveling…
It is now Sudoku, exercising or reading.
Ans, I wish you many more years
With happiness, health and no tears.