I am sitting on my balcony…with a spectacular view.
Sipping my favorite coffee…home brew.
Then I toast with a glass of wine
To the time…that is now mine!
It took awhile to wean…
Into this new routine.
I had not planned it this way…
But I have adjusted I must say.
I am free…
No one to worry about anymore but me…
After all I underwent…
I have reached this point…of being pleasantly content.
I am thankful to experience this independent stage
Which not everyone can…at my age.
My dearest loved ones went…
I am now my own best friend.
It is amazing if one must…
How well you can adjust.
But only…if after the crying…
You make an effort in trying…
To accept…that life has changed,
But what is left…can be…pleasantly rearranged.
To start Anew…
A life that suits just you.
So…as I watch the sun go down…
I smile…instead of frown.