Russia River Cruise


I had time to write,
Because I did not sleep most of the night.

We took a 6 o’clock stroll,
Around the hotel that sits on a knoll.

From the bus the last glances of the golden domes in the sun,
Their sparkle in the morning light was comparable to none.

We flew from Kiev in the Ukraine
To Moscow in a Russian plane,

A short 1.5 hour flight by Aeroflot,
But a smooth landing it was not!

This country was once known by this name,
“The bread basket of Europe” because it grew the most golden grain.

But they do not meet the EU’s qualifications to participate
And risk their name and fame, and income will dissipate.

It was my first and maybe my last visit here,
As I run out of time to visit other places far and near.

A better life for the people here I do not expect,
Because it does not seem to matter who they elect.

We arrived at the ship M/S Tikhi Don by four
And were welcomed with bread, dipped in salt, at the door.

A mini cabin with very small beds,
This for two weeks, will be as good, as it gets.

We unpacked and surprisingly found a space,
To stow everything we brought in this tiny space.

A short rest on deck, then a ship safety briefing, followed by dinner
Little chance on this trip to become thinner!