Fellow Cruisers


This is news,
And views

Of some that call this ship home,
Because they do not like to live alone.

They find it an easy way to see new places,
And along the way, meet new faces.

Each person has a reason to be at sea,
And I will share a few that were new for me.

People are eager to share their views,
Not necessarily about world news.

But about experiences on this trip
Or behavior of others on this ship.

My intention is not to abuse,
Therefore real names I will not use.

The stories are the same,
But I won’t list their name.

One woman from a USA state
Told me her mission is to find a new mate.

Someone else was eager to share,
Why she is happier on a ship than anywhere.

She had evaluated different retirement resorts for price
And found none of them to be as economical and nice.

And she would not be losing
Her assets by forever cruising.

Therefor she lives on the ship,
And books trip after trip.

Some took this cruise four years in a row
To escape bad weather and snow.

One man after he lost his spouse,
Mortgaged for this trip his house.

All kinds of people cruise
Some to overeat, others to booze,

Some to gamble
Or constantly ramble.

Some make this their home,
Instead of living alone.

Some like to expand their view,
And look for something new,

Some travel with their mate
Before it is too late

Some do not condone
Traveling alone.

But I enjoyed to hear their view ,
Which for me many were new.

One man who was terminally ill,
Decided to leave for his family this cruise bill.

There was a woman whose husband she could not stand,
And escapes him by travel at sea or on land.

And the man who had been married seven times,
And compared the woman to good and bad wines.

Some people became ill,
And were upset about the high medical bill.

In the casino some had overspent,
And argued about their final statement.

There were several cruisers who brought their nurse,
To assist them and carry their purse.

People of all walks of life,
Coming from mansions or a dive.

And according to their sounds,
From many backgrounds.

And by their dress,
One could tell if they shopped a lot or less.

At the end, some people longed for their dog or cat,
As they felt sad,

That no cruise line accommodates their beloved animal,
Because they could be quarantined in every terminal.
Fellow Cruisers
People cruise because the many activities on board,
And not having to be bored.

The travel logs and seminars were very professional
And very educational

The entire staff deserves to be commended.
Because of them, this cruise will often be recommended.

My apprehension of cruising alone, I no longer have
Because of enjoying my fellow cruisers and the service of the entire Pacific staff.