49 Days On The Crown Princess


In the last 49 days we visited 21 Ports
And had Experiences of many sorts…

The captain was afraid his ship he would lose….
If around Cape Horn he would cruise.

He was not about to try,
Because the waves were very high.

Rough seas in many places
Many passengers had green faces.

I experienced seasickness like never before…
My “entire being” was sore.

Strong earthquakes shook Chile a day after we where there
Followed by a tsunami scare.

The Noro virus kept people in isolation…
And put a real damper on their vacation.

There was also lot of coughing and sneezing…
And we heard a lot of wheezing.

Many in wheelchairs or using support of walkers or canes…
Evidence they had all sorts of pains.

Many excessively obese…
Ordering of everything… more then one piece.

The food was terrific…
But the amount people ate horrific!

We preferred the dining room instead of the buffet,
An enjoy being served on a plate, instead of scoping it on a tray.!

The Maître paid extra attention to us…
And we enjoyed the dining room’s staff extra fuss.

I had time to write…
Day or night.

And wrote a poem about every port…
Some long some short.

I should not forget to mention …
That our cabin steward always gave us special attention.

I could not have enjoyed more…
The new friends… and the ones I had met before.

Internet left a lot to be desired
Every one was getting tired….

For waiting on end…
For the emails they could not receive or send.

I Posted my dolphin encounter on face book…
And all my friends “liked” my adventurous look.

Margaret and I did a lot of laughing
And decided together… do more traveling

For now I look forward to my home routine…
Till we are off to the next place we have not seen