

I was delighted
To be invited

To spend Halloween with Jan
And with August her man.

It was a time of relaxation
Amidst Jan’s Holiday decoration;

Lunch outside, while enjoying floating coots,
Who chattered Like politicians resolving disputes.

We were driven by August in his van –
He knows I liked to shop with Jan.

We watched a wonderful video
Of Andre Rieu’s Holiday show.

We discussed our selection
For the upcoming election.

Via Face Time on my I pad
We could see what a great Halloween time Colette’s family had.

Halloween dinner was great and colorful to eat
While a few children came to the door for trick or treat.

Also owners with their French bulldogs came by –
The dogs looked like giant spiders, no lie.

A walk along the lake in the evening breeze,
while seeing skeletons and ghosts in the trees.

A visit to a pumpkin farm
And a tour of stone house with old world charm.

We all expressed
That breakfast at Mediterraneo was the best.

A few days packed with fun
In your beautiful lakeside home in the sun.

Your generous hospitality
I know is not a commonality.

Jan and August I thank you for what you did
I truly enjoyed every bit.