My facial nerve was mean
On this first day of 2014.
After the New Years Eve celebration
In this beautiful location.
The current pills do not relieve the pain
Of a facial nerve that originates in my brain.
Even after a double dose
The pain this morning was brutal when I arose.
But the magnificent view from my room
Takes the edge of this painful gloom,
It’s time to pack and leave this magical place
Hoping the pain will not increase in my face.
A two hour drive back to Phoenix via Jerome
Were we plan lunch at Colette’s home.
Then another drive for four more hours to my palm desert home
Where tonight I am glad I will not be alone…
No need to leave on the light
Because Daphne will stay overnight.
Tomorrow after breakfast we each
Will drive home which for me is long Beach.
While I continually pray…
For my facial pain to go away.
I will not have peace
Till there is a cure for this disease.
Who could have predicted
That I would be inflicted
With this excruciating nerve pain
That in 2014 hopefully will not make me insane.