First full day at sea….of the Trans-Atlantic crossing,
We’re we probably will experience more up and down tossing.
But so far, clear sky and a smooth sea,
As far as we can see.
It is a bit different with a new group of cruisers,
This crowd is younger but some look like boozers.
We were early for lunch, it was not ready yet,
We selected a fresh salad that was as good as it can get.
Afterwards we watched the Infiniti express show in the planetarium,
The chairs reclined and we were lying down as in a solarium.
It felt as if we traveled up high,
To view everything that exists in the sky.
Then attended a concert by guitarist Sam Piha,
Playing classical tunes from Europe and America.
Afternoon tea was busy, with this new crowd,
Difficult to hear the harpist, because everyone talked to Lou.
Dinner again was tasty and fine,
Even though I am drinking water instead of wine.
John Joseph’s comedy and music show,
Focused on ridiculing the people in the first row.
Then with a drink and talk about the past,
The evening was over fast.