It is a must to take a drive from your home
To this over the top place in Langenboom
To the “Asian food experience” to be specific
Because ‘your experience” will be terrific.
No one will be able to have critique
About this eating place that is so unique.
It is really one of a kind
That was designed with all ages in mind
The interior is conducive to relaxed dining
Without hearing children whining
Because they have their own buffet and space
In this well thought out place
There is no haste
While you select the all fresh ingredients to your taste
Then the Chefs preparation you can see
Using the wok or Tappan yaki
I was happy I came and was elated
To see what the owners here created.
The evening was much more then nice,
Because of the ambiance, top quality and a low price
Congratulations on your endeavor,
I trust you will be successful now and forever.