We crossed the border to Swaziland,
And saw vistas that are absolutely grand.
A country very unique,
Surrounded by South Africa and Mozambique.
A million people without a right or left political wing,
Because everything is decided by their king…
Who’s lifestyle seems obscene,
Having 13 wives, the youngest a teen.
Life expectancy at 32 is no coincidence,
But due to the out of control Aids incidence.
Many still ignore the causation,
And have limited access to medication.
People demand and swear….
“Muti” or witchcraft is better than medical care.
And since this is their belief,
They will continue to suffer and grieve.
Half the population is under eighteen,
And towards starvation they often lean.
With 40% unemployed they sit and wait,
And depend on foreign aid.
Luxuries they can not afford to pay
As 60% live on less than a dollar a day
The future here remains very grim,
As the treatment for aids or getting old is very slim.
The distant views are great in this land,
But having a prosperous life….the people can’t.