- My Life In Rhyme - http://mjtmylifeinrhyme.com -


We left from Valparaiso on our day tour before it was light
And most of the scenery was still out of sight.

From the ship it was not far
To Vina Del Mar.

But it was still too dark to see
This pretty city by the sea.

Most of us slept for two hours to Santiago by bus.

But we felt thrills…
As the sun rose over the vineyard hills.

Beautiful wine estates
With very ornate entrance gates.

Downtown was crowded this weekday afternoon.
No one moved like they had to go to work soon.

Also here they cope with too many immigrants
From Peru and Bolivia their neighboring lands

From previous visits I know the locals care
But now graffiti is everywhere.!

We were amazed
How many beautiful buildings have been defaced.

But of them all…
No scratch (yet) on the Palace wall.

Because police keep the crowds away,
Where immigrants (we are told) try to demonstrate every day.

There is reconstruction of many buildings in the city
Many were unable to see due to the surrounding fences which was a pity.

They are proud the highest building in South America is reaching here for the sky
It is a recent finished new building 62 stories high.

They build it to “roll” instead of shake
In the next earthquake.

Lunch we did devour…
It was good and started … with a glass of Pisco Sour.

I am glad to have great memories from the visits before
Because the same appearance this city has no more.