It is exiting to be in the Middle East, a place I have not been before ,
And It is interesting to hear so much more
A Sultan son born here and educated in the west
Wanted for his country the best.
But he could not regroup
Until he threw out his Dad in a coup.
That was in 1970 when they only had one school,
Now education in one of the 1700 schools is the rule.
99% is Muslim, The Sunni are the minority
But they rule the Shias majority.
Littering is one week in jail and a fine
That keeps every one in line
Only a few man we saw, they were friendly and clean
And trash was no were to be seen.
No woman or children were on the street,
Everywhere it was quiet and neat
The Prophet Jobs grave is here they say.
We know he walked in the desert but did he come all this way?
There are no restaurants or places to eat
But many fruit stands were you can buy a treat
Man can have four wives,
But are learning it complicates their lives.
Progress here is slow,
But the rulers seem to know where they go
With their 3000 miles of pristine beach
To become a tourist destination they are trying to reach.
Europeans fly here to have fun
In big enclosed resorts in the white sand sun.
So maybe someday
This will be the place to stay
Or come to shop and have a look
In an Arabian souk.
But getting close to the locals you can probably forget.
Because it is only their money they want is being said
Because history shows the minority did and always will do their best
To continue ruling the rest.
Time will tell as time goes by
What happens here and why.