

It is often our pet peeve
To discuss what we believe.

Most of us have been directed
And our religion is not what we elected.

The church in which we are seen
Is the one of our parents routine,

Because at an early age we were instilled
And it is not a guarantee we will be fulfilled.

Religion is often not our choice
But we follow an early heard voice.

It is a shame
That we all cannot believe the same,

Or be seeing
The same upper being,

Or endorse
The same upper force.

The world would be a better place
If we all used the same words to say grace.

But many people will insist
That such a place will never exist,

Because only their Upper being is real
For those who will bow or kneel.

Therefore we will never reach a norm
Because upper beings come in more than one form.

The world will continue to suffer and grieve
Because too many have a different belief