RANGER DRIVE 1965-1971
Our first home in the USA, we bought in 1965,
In Covina on Ranger Drive.
First view did not leave an impression….
It was a VA repossession.
At the end of a Cul-de-sac,
With a “Tiki hut” and an empty pool in the back.
Mountains were not far away
And we saw them on a clear day.
Much work needed to be done…
And then some.
At $18000.00 not a steal,
But a very good deal.
We had sold one of our flats in the Netherlands
To have a down payment cash in our hands.
And with the balance, we turned our new home base…
Into a cute little place.
We built and decorated without haste…
Adding our own taste.
But we knew…
We desired a home with a view.
So when we came upon Montezuma way,
We found the home where we wanted to stay.
But we often thought back…
To our beginnings on the Cul-de-Sac.
Our first USA years were spent here
And the memories remained very dear!