The Princess patter reads: Sleep in, relax and come to the table,
And eat as much as you are able.
At the lazy Sunday brunch,
While you enjoy a drink with a punch.
The chefs are ready to prepare,
Anything at this food affair.
Tables many feet long,
Today this is were you belong
Carving stations of beef and lam,
And any sorts of pork or ham
Vegetables and salads of any kind,
The one you like you will find
And in between all these delicious goods,
Is a table with worldwide fruits.
All breads home made,
For sure you must take some on your plate.
Many pates and a variety of cheese,
You must try at least some of these.
Cold cuts sliced at the table
You would think this is all a fable.
Pasta’s made to your taste,
Enjoy eating a lot without haste
The skill full prepared omelets
Are as good as it gets
The ambiance with ice carvings flowers and music is great
And for the mimosa and champagne you do not have to wait
There are an abundance of dishes hot or chilled,
And for all of this you are not extra billed
One could not handle this every day
Therefore it is only served at sea on a lazy Sunday