This week I have had pain like I have never had before
Don’t know what to do anymore.
Taking the medication as directed
But the condition is not being corrected.
Just increase is doctors advice
But I am not sure that is wise.
Side effects leave me with no energy
And I know it is not due to just being elderly.
With breakfast I have about 8 shocks
And for lunch as many knocks
At Dinner it is the same
I just cannot eat without pain
It even hurts when I talk
And a side effect of the medication is an awkward walk,
I notice to stumble not now and then…
But over and over again.
My gait is no longer stable
And I hope to wake up one morning… thinking it is all a fable.
I hope the phone will not ring
Because talking gives me a severe sting.
When I move… bend …or reach
I preach…
For the shock to be mild and tolerable
Instead of absolutely horrible.
It is hard to comprehend
Why research dollars are not spend
To find a cure
Because this pain one cannot endure.
This electric knife stabbing sensation
Is beyond any imagination.
Trigeminal Neuralgia is the blame
For this unimaginable pain.
Bu I am thankful that I can still quietly sit and write
Even without my favorite bite.
While between jolts I can pray
For someday this pain to go away