I can’t think straight,
Just sit here and wait,
I have felt like this for over a week,
Hoping I soon no longer have to seek
A diagnosis of my misery,
And instead find a cure for this episode in my medical history.
In the ER I was told that the MRI looked good,
But the head specialist felt I should,
Have a brain and ear scan,
Because only then
Can they determine why,
They saw calcium deposits and fluid on the MRI.
For my nausea she ordered a pill,
Which was a waste that ran up my medical bill.
The listed side effects, no kidding,
Are identical to my symptoms since the beginning.
I came here to seek
A cure for dizziness, nausea, arrhythmia and fatigue,
But again I was sent home,
To where I live alone,
To feel more of the same,
of the symptoms I had before I came
I took one pill and hoped for the best,
But the result was a night without rest.
I was awake
With a terrible headache,
And while I lay in bed
I wondered ,Medical care What is that?