I am hit by the blues,
Watching the morning news.
It is all about gloom,
And more and more doom.
Government shutdowns causing fears,
It’s the second and longest in 30 years.
Veterans getting the brunt,
Of leadership responsibility they shunt.
The biggest problem they need to stop,
Is Obama care they refuse to see as a flop.
Spending is out of control,
The effects are taking its toll.
No resolution in sight,
Each party thinking they are right.
Common sense out the door,.
Life as it was will be no more
The affordable health care act…
Was designed by a pact…
That with the IRS is trying to get control…
Of us all.
The American dream,
Slowly being destroyed by our leadership team
I am feeling sad,
Gone are the days of opportunity as a legal immigrant I had.
The Governments habit of spend spend spend
Will have to come to an end.
I have some ideas to get things resolved,
But have no more stamina to get involved.
Besides no one will,
Pay attention when you are over the hill.
I have reached the level of status quo,
Because sooner or later it is my time to go.
I was born during WWII
But hope not to die during a next WW too
I went for my daily walk
Without talk.
And decided for me it was wise
To spend the rest of the day on my family archive.
To document my past
In an era that also did not last.