Elizabeth-Antonia-Maria-Heyman’s “first Heimat”
Was in a Dutch Colony…tropical climate
Then when she was 9 years old
She moved to a Country were it was very cold.
With her Parents Sister and 6 Brothers
And many others…
They made a long trip…
On a ship.
And from then on…were happy to stay…
In Enschede
She experienced much joy
When she met “her” Dutch boy!
No need to think…
She wanted to marry…Antonius-Jozef Temmink
And she said…’’I do”
In 1961…on July 22.
Being sick of the Dutch rain…
They took the first opportunity that came
To create a “lasting Heimat”
In the California climate.
That is were I met you…in 1964
When you graciously opened you door…
And for the first time I saw…
My new sister in law.
Liesbeth…we now have shared for 50 years
Our laughter and tears.
No one could have detected…
We would loose our “Temmink brothers” so young and unexpected.
But after they were gone…
We faced the responsibility to carry on.
Tony would be so proud if he knew…
That you are now an Opoe
I am glad I am able to celebrate
With you…this special date.
And at another convenient time…
Its on me… to “wine and dine”
Liesbeth I wish you many more occasions…
to receive congratulations.