

Our daily walk on the promenade deck again …
While we wondered when…

We would hear the first beep,
That the rest is no longer asleep.

But we were lucky for our sake,
That no one else was yet awake.

The res of the morning I spend writing,
Because water was the only sighting.

I get my inspiration ,
Anywhere in Gods creation.

And I am thankful day after day,
That I can live my life this way.

Introduction to the town of Kizhi were later today we will be,
And an open air museum we get to see.

No Internet…it is not just our imagination,
We are told we are just to far from civilization.

One wonders how people here survive,
All their life.

It must not be nice,
To be buried for 6 months in ice.

But then they do not know better,
As they have not traveled to experience year round good weather.

We visited the bridge and learned first hand,
About transportation in the water instead of on land.

I was interested,
To learn how caviar was prepared after being harvested.

We learned about the instruments balalaika and Domra
Introduced in Russia by Mongols from Asia

The Russian way of life they say is improving,
Although many young people if they can are moving.

I bought a local black Shungit pyramid stone,
That has power to keep every thing living in a healthy zone!