John Temmink Construction


It was in Gerard John’s blood,
Heart, and gut

He was born into a Dutch family
That owned a contracting entity

He studied to be a civil engineer
In Leeuwarden, a town that was-not near

Then to his Dads elation
He joined the family business into the third generation

He made his first guilder
As a Dutch builder

But working in this firm
Limited what he could earn

His parents cruised to the USA in 1962
And came back with a an exiting view

Their stories and elation
Expended Gerhard Johns imagination

We planned a five year stay
In the USA

Where he would learn
A lot about building before his return

But soon after to California we came
His plans for the future were no longer the same

This is we’re he would stay
Return to Holland? No way!

So his future of earnings and fun
Began in this land with ocean desert mountains and for ever sun

His dad was disappointed but did understand
That he did not want to return to his rainy birth land

His success was in the air
His expertise was in demand everywhere

But his desire was to be independent
And of to contractors school he went
Contractor's License
In January, 1975 he received his general engineering license A
And general building contractors license B on the same day

His first contract was a refrigerated food storage plant
And it soon became his specialty in this hot land

He expanded faster then expected
and he elected

The established a corporation C business entity
To shield possible personal calamity

Long he did not have to think
On November 9 1979 he launched John Temmink construction Inc.

Alongside his specialty he built luxury custom homes here and there
His company was in demand and building everywhere

But being frugal and Dutch
He did not borrow much

He was taught early that one bird in ones hand
Was more valuable then 10 in the air in any land

So when the interest became to expensive
He was not apprehensive

To safeguard his earnings of the past
Knowing his success might not last

And after many successful years
He closed his company without tears

And sooner then later
He was offered a position as senior estimator

With a well know developer were he did no less
Then also for him create success

There he bridged his time until retirement
Which as a sailor he planned to spend

But before that day on April 24 1992 he died unexpected
But left his family well protected

His life was to short but well spend
And we know where he went

We will all be delighted
When again we are reunited