We sailed on 3-10 at sunset with a beautiful red sky,
While on the other side of the ship the moon was up high.
We are again on the go,
Sailing three full days to Tokyo.
On 3-11 we sailed around
Iwo Jima Island, and only heard the sound
Of a wreath being dropped in the water
for the young man that died here with honor
And I can not imagine the fear,
They experienced on this island were now, no one lives on or even near.
And I can not imagine this battle in 1945,
Were no one had respect for life.
The Japanese committed suicide,
When for the Americans they could no longer hide.
Because they thought
Suicide was more honorable then being caught
Rusted metal of ships is all I can see,
Around this now peaceful island here in the sea.
It was the fiercest battle of WW2 it is said,
Where the Americans and Japanese met.
But after years of anger and hate,
The island was returned to Japan in 1968.
On deck there was much discussion with a glass of wine,
Till all realized it was time again to dine
The next docking on 03-12 will be in Tokyo
Were we are told we will probably see snow.
This trip gives us a lesson in history
While we now cruise in luxury