- My Life In Rhyme - http://mjtmylifeinrhyme.com -


It is easy to grieve…
Because it is hard to believe

The changes I see…
When I travel over land or by sea.

More and more youngsters seem to insist
To deface all walls that exist.

Passing a blank spot…
They apparently can not.

They rush…
To use a spray can or brush.

It is not the ones that have contributed to what is here
But the ones eager to destroy what is not theirs I fear.

Their life apparently has no spark
But they want to leave their mark

For their comrades to see…
By destroying someone else’s property.

It is a shame …
But authority every where is to blame.

If they would just use the appropriate tools
And establish effective rules…

To punish the hoodlums
And force them to work to gather the necessary sums…

To remove their ”art”
Of which most people want no part.

I just hope to see the days.
That graffiti artist find other “expression” ways.

And be punished for their temptation
For defacing a new or century old creation

Until people show they care…
Graffiti will continue to INCREASE EVERYWHERE.