Ethan Is 13

Ethan is 13

What does it mean…
When you turn thirteen?

Much is changing…
You are a “young man” in the making

There is no immunity…
Of going thru puberty.

You have reached the stage in life before you enter for good…
Into adulthood.

And when you look in the mirror…
You see a winner!

No longer small..
But handsome and tall.

With a deep voice…
Like grown up boys.

You stand on big feet …
Are a gourmet chef and love to eat.

You are a good student…
And learning to be prudent.

Golf and skiing you like best
And you know how to be well dressed.

Everyone is agreeing…
You are a terrific human being.

Always remember who…
Likes to have breakfast with you.

And before you move away after getting your high school diploma…
You can often stay and have breakfast with Oma

Next visit in the Desert we will stop…
At the golf shop.

Where you can choose…
A golf attribute you can use. Happy Birthday with Love