- My Life In Rhyme - http://mjtmylifeinrhyme.com -


To speak the language of the country we are born
Is the norm.

And when we move or settle elsewhere
We need to learn the language they speak there.

Newcomers know what to expect
And, at minimum, should show respect

For the rules of their chosen land
And prevent to be banned

By being on the defense
When not accommodated at taxpayer’s expense.

You came on your free will;
Therefore, interpretation expense needs to be your own bill.

You should do your utmost
To respect your host.

There is no other country, besides the USA,
That accommodates you this way.

I came from Holland, and on arrival I did not speak that much,
I did not expect to be addressed in Dutch.

It forced me to do my best
To soon understand the rest.

People that want to immigrate
Should be required to assimilate.

And if you do not agree,
Of course you are free

To leave
Without causing grief.