A day…
Of indoor play.
The rain…
Did not cause us pain.
What I wrote in the morning…disappeared out of sight…
I did not safe it…and everything…I had to rewrite.
I loved every spoon…
Of the Mexican buffet at noon.
The movie “Maleficent” with Angelina Jolie…
Was not worth to see.
A scheduled session about journaling…
Was not about writing…but crafting
To cut and paste a scrapbook about this cruise…
For which my computer…I already use.
The internet was not up to par…
Not easy to reach any one from a far.
But it was still a nice day at sea…
Not having to cook…clean…or do laundry.
Tomorrow is my birthday…but for the first time in history…
It will be a day early.
Because…of crossing the International date line…
Everything it out of zinc on this calendar of mine.