The story of Abigail…
Is no tale.
It’s about an opportunity
For children of a poor South Africa community.
Whom without the Christel House Organization …
Have no change for an education.
This school provides education for free
And depends on donations of you and me.
In 2013 I visited Soweto Township and came to the realization
Their only way out is thru education.
Abigail who grew up in a poor community…
Knows, she belongs to a happy few, that had this opportunity.
And now for this cause she is always on the go…
As Executive Assistant for the Christel House CEO
She do us not pause…
And now is running a Marathon for this cause.
Let us help her realize
The amount needed to resolve one more child’s demise
And do our part and let her count
That she can raise the amount
To complete her mission…
Of providing one more child with a years tuition.
Abigail, I am happy to spread the word and say…
Dear friends…Hoping you can send a small donation her way!