Princess has been a favorite of mine…
Since Captain Giuseppe Romano officiated our wedding in 1999.
63 family members cruised with Grand Princess to see…
The wedding of Verschoor-Temmink in the Caribbean Sea
Since my husbands death, I cruise again, this time for 111 days,…
Which was for 99% of the time was under sunny rays.
And we cruised with ease…
On calm seas.
I plan to explore the possibility to cruise most year round…
Instead of remaining on solid ground.
The ship offers me the comforts of home-
Without feeling alone.
I will have time to write…
And enjoy a delicious bite.
But none of this could be for real…
Without a TRUSTING CAPTAIN at the wheel.
Who with a reassuring voice on the intercom
Keeps all passengers informed and calm.
On the Pacific Princess we had such a winner…
By the name of Tim Stringer.
It was a delight
To be at his dinner table one night
With experts like him I will not be…
Hesitant, to even sail in a rough sea.