- My Life In Rhyme - http://mjtmylifeinrhyme.com -


As I sailed into the harbor like ones before,
On a cruise in 2004,

I see many more buildings then I remember,
On that trip with Frans in September.

Very high apartment buildings line every street,
For which a city with 3.6 million people has a big need.

An attractive city with a mile long down town beach,
But a relationship with their Northern neighbors out of reach.

No space for golf courses but many enormous covered cases,
To create driving range spaces.

We are told that here the civil engineers,
Are better trained then their world wide peers

That is why
They build most of Dubai

For our tour Korea’s largest Buddhist Temple had been reserved
Were the oldest Buddhist scriptures in the world are preserved

The only United Nations Memorial Park in the world is here
As bitter fighting in the Korean war was near

And young man of 16 different countries died on this land
Including 117 young man from the Netherland

They never again saw their family
But their names are here on a marble stone under a bonsai tree in their memory.