This morning, I was at the grave,
To remember my love, who died three years ago today, so very brave.
He was not able, to any longer, endure,
The pain, for which yet, there is no cure.
While I myself , daily pray
That my own cancer remains at bay
But there is hope. because of people, like my neighbor and friend Lynne,
Who tonight, with her dance partner Josef , was determined to win.
She does not pause,
To fight for the cause.
My evening could not have been better spend,
Then attending this “Dancing for the stars “ event.
And after their first spin,
I knew Josef and Lynne
Had mastered a level beyond beginners
And would turn out to be tonight’s winners
There was no doubt, it was very clear,
After hearing 800 people cheer.
The ambiance was great,
While your fans watched, drank and ate.
Your spirit contributed to $400.000.00 that was collected.
An amount far above, what they had expected.
Thank you , Josef and Lynne , for being the best dancers,
Promoting the awareness and cure for our cancers.