My Godmother and Uncle visited from Holland in 1973
And had been looking for income property.
They were glad
When we offered them our Dutch flat.
After the sale we did not need a loan
To buy a classic Arrowhead vacation home.
It was hard to believe …
For the proceeds we could buy this home we named “Wind Song Reef”.
We all learned to ski in snow and behind our speed boat
And maneuvered our car on an icy road.
A place that remains in my mind…
Of playing games and drinking hot chocolate to unwind.
As before I did mention,
Our horses required more attention.
In 1977 Wind Song Reef went up for sale.
From then on without fail…
On weekends we did go
to a competition horse show.
The proceeds from the sale were used to expand the production
Of John Temmink Construction.