I was on my way to the Desert
When for the first time I heard this alert…
A piercing noise I had not heard before
but loud enough to make my ears sore.
Did not know from where it came
But it was obvious other drivers heard the same .
Every car slowed down
And I saw many faces frown.
Then I realized it was my phone
That send out this alarming tone.
Every driver slowed…
With their eyes OF the road
One driver did not see
And almost hit me.
Allowing this to happen seems a flaw
In the law.
Since texting even for one is not allowed
But now it seemed OK for the entire freeway crowd.
A sign overhead gives the same information
If need be… to the entire nation
If Amber Alerts are send by phone for every couples dispute
Every driver is put at risk being en-rout.
It was a biological father who took his son,
Not a pedophile with a minor on the run.
When a child is not with a stranger
Is it not prudent to put every driver in danger…
And risk more then one collision
Due to some ones decision…
To use the Amber Alert
And risk many drivers to be hurt