We visited Ketchikan,
A town designed for man,
That came to find gold
But many left their fortune in the red light district I was told.
Then we toured Juneau, the State capital now,
But the locals wonder how
They will be able to stay
If the Government business as planned moves away.
It was worth,
To see Haines, this hamlet at the end of the earth
Where the locals are not often on the go,
Because half the year they are covered by snow.
The Cruising time thru Tracy Arm Fjord,
Was too short.
We missed hearing the glaciers calving sound,
Because the captain had to turn the ship around
A maneuver that was very wise
To prevent hitting floating ice
The Sea Princess singers and Dancers we enjoyed each night,
Even though it was late, when we went to bed it was still light.
Some of us were often found,
At the piano bar enjoying the sound.
And when the temperature outside felt like it was freezing
The afternoon tea for some of us was very pleasing.
Some of us were seen on deck to walk,
While others enjoyed coffee and talk.
A few of us were seen
At the daily Zumba routine.
Others spent
Their time to watch TV and not miss a sports event.
The food was served with variety and taste,
And could be enjoyed at leisure or in buffet style haste.
And on some days,
Some, instead of lunch just had fries and mayonnaise.
We were lucky as the weather
Apparently was better
Than, for whatever reason,
The previous cruises this season.
Victoria, in Canada was again a joy to see
And this was the third time for me.
A picturesque city with the grand Empress hotel,
Where life has been, and still is, elegant, you can tell.
The Sea Princess staff was pleasant and attentive
Which we will remember when we give
A tip for gratitude
For experiencing their service and positive attitude.
Our pictures will show and tell,
We all liked this cruise very well.
One more gala, then after tomorrow we again will all be seen ,
In our daily routine.
Even though we looked everywhere
only three of us saw a glimpse of a bear
But it was a pleasure to be together,
And we leave with memories to last forever.