We are here
In the newest frontier.
Our group of eleven, a pleasant blend,
Of family, extended family and a friend.
Alaska, a state like no other,
Were we anticipate seeing a bear cup and his Mother,
We sailed for three days,
While everyone adjusted in their own ways.
For some sea sickness was a bother,
Even though we sailed in calm water
We read, wrote, walked, exercised, danced, played cards or a game,
We dined, and wined, had delicious food that was never the same.
Ketchikan, Juneau, and Haines we will explore on our own pace,
And occasionally on land we might see each other’s face.
There are activities to please each individual,
We did not plan a must stay together ritual.
But at dinner we come together and share the experiences of the day
That everyone spends on their own speed and in their own way.
I do not need to mention
That everyone experiences this cruise with a different dimension.
But let it be said
This cruise hopefully none of us will forget.
Because we are privileged to be able to travel and explore,
And for some of us share notes about how life was before.
It is good memories that make us strong
So a leisurely cruise with family and friends is never wrong.