After people die
They reappear in the sky.
You can take my word,
They appear as a bird.
They can be my guide
When I go for a ride.
They follow me when I walk…
And chirp as if they talk.
They are within reach…
While I walk on the beach.
And they fly real low,
Past every window.
It was very sad.
When a bird alerted me about the passing of my Dad.
And etched in my memory,
Is the bird on my balcony.
It was the spirit of John
After he was gone.
I remember the bird with the passing of my Mother,
And the bird at the death of my oldest brother.
I remember the bird as no other
At the death of my youngest brother.
It was a bird that tried to let me know,
That soon my sister would go.
And now Frans is no longer here,
But as a bird remains near.
It all sounds hard to believe,
But you will understand when you grieve.
Alone I will never be,
The birds are always there for me.
To comfort me in my sorrow,
So I can face tomorrow.