It is insane…
But all summer I have had pain.
My body feels like a big bruise…
It started in March during my world cruise.
Taking Ibuprofen or Aleve…
Gives no relief.
Walk like before…I cannot…
My legs hurt in more then one spot.
My shoulders and arms hurt even more…
All over I feel sore.
I read by artificial light…
Because I am up most of the night
It affects my daily routine…
So far no help from several Dr’s I have seen.
After X rays a scan to rule out cancer was first requested
Which due to a radioactive injection I initially objected ..
But I agreed to have it done…
Because dealing with increasing pain was no fun.
The radiologist who read the scan was not able to answer…
If it was arthritis or metastatic cancer,
That is why…
He ordered a thoracic and lumbar spine MRI.
All while the pain increases…
And I feel like I am ready to fall into pieces.
The MRI showed no cancer…
But for the pain till now they have no answer.
It is frustrating trying to keep a positive attitude
When relentless pain affects my mood
I will try to find the cause for sure..
Right now I see an acupuncturist who promises a cure