Aging…was never a breeze
But lately…it is looked upon as a “disease.”
A normal life cycle decline
Is no longer considered benign.
People are made to believe
This world you do not need to leave.
And with much slickness
It has become big business
Advertising silliness
That promise they can cure your aging “Illness”
Before you contribute to a billion for a lost cause
For aging their is no cure
Only comfort measures can help one endure
Life at some point WILL end
No matter how much money is spend.
If we live long enough there will be a physical decline
No matter how strong your blood line
That miracles we cannot expect
We are destined to be…
Here…only temporarily
And if lucky to live long enough to be aging
You will experience that your body is changing,
Grey hair, memory loss and loose teeth
Poor eyesight, loss of hearing and pain in your feet
The list is long
Of what can go wrong.
Accept the fact
Your stem cells no longer regenerate or are intact
Then show with grace
You are proud of the wrinkles in your face
It is not wrong,
To show that you are happy that you lived this long
Show the next generation…
Not to have false expectations
But one can still enjoy life’s pleasures
Till the end … with love , companionship and comfort measures
Only after death … is maybe …a reality!