Ans 80

Ans Turns 80

This once upon a time…Dutch born baby…
Is on 12-17-2014 turning eighty!

Her age…she does not show…
She has many more years to go.

She longed for warmer weather
And after Nursing School moved to were it was much better.

And while working as a Nurse on Curacao she met…
Ted !

They soon became a pair
And went together everywhere.

They had determination…
And made San Francisco their destination.

Everything fit very snug…
As they drove across the country in their Volkswagen bug .

They enjoyed every day
Life was good…all the way

A close knit family…
Many friends ….and no enemy.

They raised three children and coached them for success…
They celebrated everyone’s progress.

Ted always had Ans on a throne
He had hoped…she would never have too live alone…

But his spiritual guidance keeps her strong…
And will keep her active…her life long.

Ans I hope we can…for at least another 10 years
Be fit…and share our memories… happiness… and tears.